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Vysokoteplotná plastová forma

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Acrylic/ PMMA Plastic Injection Mold/ Production with High Temperature Resistance and for Variety Colors
Acrylic/ PMMA Plastic Injection Mold/ Production with High Temperature Resistance and for Variety Colors
Acrylic/ PMMA Plastic Injection Mold/ Production with High Temperature Resistance and for Variety Colors
Acrylic/ PMMA Plastic Injection Mold/ Production with High Temperature Resistance and for Variety Colors
Acrylic/ PMMA Plastic Injection Mold/ Production with High Temperature Resistance and for Variety Colors
Acrylic/ PMMA Plastic Injection Mold/ Production with High Temperature Resistance and for Variety Colors
Acrylic/ PMMA Plastic Injection Mold/ Production with High Temperature Resistance and for Variety Colors
Acrylic/ PMMA Plastic Injection Mold/ Production with High Temperature Resistance and for Variety Colors

Akrylová / PMMA plastová vstrekovacia forma / výroba s odolnosťou voči vysokým teplotám a pre rôzne farby

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