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Cup Lid Monochrome and Two-tone Screw Thread Mold Design, Cold Retention Cup Lid Internal Thread Injection Molding and Assembly
Cup Lid Monochrome and Two-tone Screw Thread Mold Design, Cold Retention Cup Lid Internal Thread Injection Molding and Assembly
Cup Lid Monochrome and Two-tone Screw Thread Mold Design, Cold Retention Cup Lid Internal Thread Injection Molding and Assembly
Cup Lid Monochrome and Two-tone Screw Thread Mold Design, Cold Retention Cup Lid Internal Thread Injection Molding and Assembly
Cup Lid Monochrome and Two-tone Screw Thread Mold Design, Cold Retention Cup Lid Internal Thread Injection Molding and Assembly
Cup Lid Monochrome and Two-tone Screw Thread Mold Design, Cold Retention Cup Lid Internal Thread Injection Molding and Assembly
Cup Lid Monochrome and Two-tone Screw Thread Mold Design, Cold Retention Cup Lid Internal Thread Injection Molding and Assembly
Cup Lid Monochrome and Two-tone Screw Thread Mold Design, Cold Retention Cup Lid Internal Thread Injection Molding and Assembly

Viečko pohára Monochromatický a dvojfarebný dizajn formy so skrutkovým závitom, veko pohára na zadržiavanie za studena, vstrekovanie a montáž s vnútorným závitom

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